The United Republic of Tanzania
Development of local contractors is among the main functions of the Contractors Registration Board. The aim is to develop local contractors such that they can compete in both the local and global market. A number of activities and initiatives for development of local contractors are being undertaken by the Board as explained below.
1.0 Project Registration
Project registration aims at providing the Board and the Construction Industry at large with vital information which assists the Board in effective planning for contractors’ development initiatives. Moreover, project registration process ensures compliance of Contractors and Developers as the process assist the Board in its enforcement functions.
Project registration process requires every contractor who has been awarded a contract or subcontract with a value i.e. value for materials, labour, and all taxes worth from ten million Tanzanian shillings and above to register the project with the Board and issued with Project Registration number.
1.1 Salient Features of Project Registration.
2.0 Contractors Assistance Fund
The Contractors Assistance Fund (CAF) was established in the year 2002 for the purpose of assisting contractors to access finance required for bid security or advance payment guarantee. This is after the Board realised that some contractors were not able to raise enough funds or collateral to secure bid securities or advance payment securities.
The Fund assists small and some medium contractors to access guarantees for bid security and advance payment security. To access the fund service, the contractor should apply for membership to the fund. Currently the Board operates the fund in collaboration with the CRDB Bank PLC.
2.1 Eligibility of Contractor
Currently the eligibility to CAF Membership is to all Local contractors. A Contractor shall apply for registration by filling in application form and pay a non- refundable fee of TZS 300,000/=.
The applicant shall submit passport size photos of two directors or partners who shall be dealing with CAF issues on behalf of the company. Attach letter of Authority/Board Resolution/ Power of Attorney to authorize the two directors.
To qualify for guarantee, the following additional conditions will apply:
3.0 Research
The Board conducts research for the purpose of identifying factors that hinder local contractors’ growth. Applied research/studies are carried out in different areas of the Construction Industry such as availability of construction plant and equipment, safety in construction, availability of labour for contractors, etc. Recommendations from the research findings are implemented toward solving the identified challenges.
The Board also collects information through different forums such as Annual Consultative Meetings, Contractors training courses, Contractors’ Annual Return Forms and feedback forms from major Clients. Analysis of such information enables the Board to identify problem areas that need research.
4.0 Training of Contractors.
The Board conducts training for the purpose of enhancing contractors’ skill to enable them to undertake their business as contractors more efficiently. The Board conducts training to contractors through the following methods.
4.1 The Sustainable Structured Training Programme (SSTP)
The Board established the Sustainable Structured Training Programme (SSTP) in 2001. The main objective of SSTP is to equip contractors with necessary technical and management skills so as to make them more competitive in the local and regional markets. Appropriate Skills is among the fundamental requirements for the contractor to be competitive. It is said that skills enable people to do whatever they do more efficiently. Efficiency brings about competitiveness to contractors because among others, it minimises costs of doing construction works.
Under the SSTP, training focuses on contractors’ needs as it is demand driven. There are more than twenty
(20) training modules under SSTP. The modules are derived from seven (7) basic subject areas as follows:-
Corporate Governance
Construction Pre contract practice
Resource management in construction sites
Contract management
Construction Planning, organisation and control
Equipment Management and
Occupational Health and safety (OHS) in Construction Sites.
The modules are administered in three (3) different levels based on categories of contractors as follows:-
Level I - Small Contractors (Class VI & VII general and Class III specialist)
Level II – Medium Contractors (Class III – V general and Class II
Level III – Large Contractors (Class I & II general and Class I specialist)
The targeted cadres in each group are the owners (Director/Partner), Management (Top Executives), and Supervisors (Technical).
The Board conducts the courses in different centres countrywide so as to reach contractors who are scattered in different locations of the country.
4.2 Courses on topical issues in the Construction Industry
Apart from the SSTP, the Board carries out other training on topical issues as they emerge in the construction industry.
The purpose is to enable contractors to be up to date with issues that emerge such that they do not
affect their performance in the contracting business or deny them the emerging opportunities.
The Board conducts such training in inter alia the following areas:-
FIDIC Conditions of contract
Design – Build & Turnkey Contracts
Joint Venture Partnerships
Estimating & Tendering for Electrical Contractors
Application of Information Technology in Construction Practice
Avoiding Problems in Construction Contracts
The courses are being carried out by renowned resource persons from both outside and inside Tanzania and usually attracts,
apart from contractors, other professionals such as consultants, bankers, lawyers, etc.
5.0 Annual Consultative Meetings, Seminars and Workshops
The Board conducts consultative meetings, seminars and workshops to accomplish various objectives for contractor development. Through seminars and workshops, creation of awareness and sensitization on different issues to contractors and identification of challenges facing contractors is done. These assist the Board to devise various initiatives to develop contractors.
6.0 Study Tours
The Board conducts study tours as a contractors development initiative since through Study Tours, contractors learn best practices from
contractors and other industry practitioners in other countries with more developed construction industries. The Study Tours also enable contractors to
network with fellow contractors or other construction industry stakeholders. Through study tours,
contractors see what is being done by other contractors globally which complements what they do locally.
For every study tour that the Board organizes, it ensures that all or most of the following are covered:-
Learning and sharing ideas with construction practitioners on better practices being employed in the visited country.
Visiting and establishing linkages with plant and equipment suppliers, exporters and technology suppliers etc.
Meetings with construction industry professionals, associations and the business community to network and identify
potential and strategic partners in contracting business and investment in plant and equipment hire pools.
Conducting site visits to interesting construction sites
7.0 Deliberate Development of Contractors Programme
In collaboration with the Ministry of works and other construction industry stakeholders, the Board prepared a Deliberate Development of Selected contractors Programme. This followed a study on “Capacity Building of the Construction Industry”, carried out by the Board. The study came up with several recommendations for improving capacity of Local Contractors and one of the major recommendations was that CRB should embark on a “Deliberate Programme to Develop Civil Works Contractors” to improve their capacity to execute high value paved roads projects. This was because it was identified that the unbalanced market share is mostly contributed by the local contractors’ inability to execute high value paved roads projects. The Programme proposes that a batch of fifteen (15) contractors competitively selected should be awarded high value road projects which will be executed under a closer supervision of the consultant. The consultant will be required to, apart from the normal contractual obligations, to conduct training and mentorship to contractors. By the time the contractor “graduates” from the programme, he has acquired adequate technical and managerial skills, adequate construction plant and equipment and adequate working capital for the next projects.